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My Leadership Journey


Hello, my name is Kiss’Shonna Curtis, and I will be graduating from the University of Washington with a double major in Psychology and Education, Communities, and Organizations with a minor in Diversity. The vast array of experiences that I’ve had during my four undergraduate years have highlighted the values that I hold near to me and strive to lead with. These values are: love, equity, curiosity, wisdom, and joy.

My Core Values


Below are some core values that inform the way that I approach the work that I do and guide me during turbulent times.


Love- Love is the most central core value to me because I believe it encompasses many values at once. Love is an action and leading with love will always ensure the best outcome.


Equity- I value equity because throughout my coursework, I have witnessed how inequitable systems in the United States are, whether that be in educational institutions or in the healthcare arena. Equity is important because it allows for equal opportunity, something that has been denied to marginalized communities for too long.


Curiosity- Curiosity is one of my values because I believe in always staying open minded and learning new things. A song lyric that has resonated with me over the years says “may we never lose our wonder”, and it reminds me to always stay curious and wondering about life and the world we live in.


Wisdom- Wisdom and collecting wisdoms from a multitude of people is something I value, because I believe you can learn something from everyone. I value wisdom because it is often gained from life experience that just can’t be taught in a classroom.


Joy- Joy is an important value of mine, because I believe a joyful spirit is so necessary in a world where things can seem bleak at time. Joy is something I believe you must find from within and it will give you strength to carry on in the midst of hardships.

What is a Leader?

My Philosophy

Leadership is a continual journey of striving to be the best version of yourself and inspiring the same from the world around you. Over the years my ideas of leadership has changed from something title and performance based, to something more internal and sustainable. It used to be about how well liked you were and how many people recognized you as being a leader. However, now I see a leader as someone that isn't always front and center, yet their impact is still felt by many.


My Why

Equity and Love are two of my most important guiding principles. It informs the person that I strive to be and the work that I want to do. I plan on being a correctional psychologist because i know that we have an inequitable justice system where many are lacking the love and support they need in order to return back into mainstream society. I believe in second chances and I want to be a part of shifting our punitive justice system to something that is restorative and helps those incarcerated realize their full potential and benefits society at large. I believe we are all better together, which is why it is important that we allow all members of society the opportunity to contribute their unique skills and gifts. 


Leadership Identities 

My leadership identities showcase my most impactful leadership experiences and how they have shaped my identity. The leadership identities that been most impactful during my time here at the University of Washington have been in my roles as a Restorative Justice Advocate, Criminal Justice Reform Advocate, Community and Relationship Cultivator, and a Mental Health Support Coach.


Looking Ahead: Engaging Leadership in the Future

As my time at the University of Washington comes to an end, I am motivated by my experiences here to continue the work that I began during my undergraduate years. My hope is to travel and engage my value of curiosity to see the world and collect more valuable experiences that will help me further cultivate my leadership identity. I look forward to graduate school where I hope to obtain a joint PhD in clinical psychology and public policy. With this degree, I am seeking to be a leader in re-imagining our criminal justice system and being a part of the revolutionary work of establishing a system that values rehabilitation and restorative justice.



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